General Information
Q: |
What are the participation agreements for CEN? |
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It is expected that everyone will abide by "The Golden Rule" at all times. At Choice Education Network, Inc., we strive to bring "our best self" to our classes, workshops and events. Co-Op / Cooperative Mindset. Choice Education Network, Inc. is a nonprofit organization run primarily by volunteers and a network of professionals offering their time, talent and resources at deeply discounted rates. It takes the effort of our entire community to ensure a smooth and organized experience. Your willingness to step forward and "fill a need" is essential to our success.
NEW to 2025. VOLUNTEER SIGN UPS are required PRIOR to your membership being approved. Choose how you are most comfortable "giving back" to our community. Choose from being in the classroom, helping behind the scenes, clean up, events, monetary support and more! SIGN UP HERE:Spring 2025 Volunteer Sign Up It is expected that each family will contribute to meet the volunteer needs of our organization to the best of their ability and availability. Opportunities to serve vary and include, but are not limited to: teaching, classroom assisting, child care rotations, substitute teaching, hall monitors, campus/event set-up, campus/event clean-up, lunch monitors, being an active contributor on our events committees for monthly socials, graduation events and fundraisers and etc..
YES, discounts are offered for families able to volunteer above and beyond the expected 1-2 hours each week. (Discounts do not extend to our community partner programs, which are already marked down to serve the homeschooling demographic.)
Semester Fundraiser: As a nonprofit striving to keep our costs low, we DEPEND on our fundraisers to help fill the financial gaps. Each semester CEN hosts a fundraising event in which each family is expected to participate in one or more of the following ways: 1) Staffing the event/running booths, 2) Donating supplies, concessions, raffle prizes 3) Actively sharing information on social media to help advertise and ensure our events are well attended 4) Assist in connecting CEN with talent and/or vendors as appropriate for the event. 5) Show Up! Come be with us during these events and participate in the activities and events.
Dress Code: Choice Education Network, Inc expects students, teachers and guests to arrive in attire generally considered suitable for school or the business-casual environments. Please note that some programs/events may have their own dress code expectations.
Behavior. Only those behaving as ladies and gentlemen are permitted on campus. NO bullying, NO foul language, NO rude behavior towards staff, volunteers or each other and absolutely NO reckless/dangerous behavior towards oneself, others or property. CEN reserves the right to refuse service to students and/or families no upholding respectful and safe behaviors. ALL teachers reserve the right to dismiss disruptive students from their classroom without refund.
Classroom Expectations: Our classes are just that; a classroom environment with a teacher, likely a volunteer, who has spent significant time and resources to create the classroom experience for your student. It is expected that youth arrive prepared to hear and respectfully TRY the activities presented.
Technology is generally not permitted in classroom, except where explicitly listed in the description as a technology class (film, zine, photography, minecraft history, etc). Please advise all youth to turn phones to silent and show respect for their instructor and the classroom by NOT pulling out phones/tablets/smart-watches, or other distractions etc during class. Teachers reserve the right to confiscate technology/toys/distractions until the end of class.
Tech on campus/events. A primary objective to holding community days is the opportunity to fellowship and make friends. Please encourage your youth to tuck their tech away until the end of the day. Please have conversations around safe technology, sharing devices, sharing media, etc with your youth. CEN cannot monitor tech usage and cannot guarantee your student will not come in contact with another student's phone/tablet/laptop, etc.
CEN encourages and promotes parental controls and oversight and holds the stance that if the PARENT has allowed their student access to technology, it is the responsibility of the parent to monitor and educate their youth on the appropriate use of their technology; HOWEVER, CEN reserves the right to restrict use when technology is used inappropriately, as a form of bullying, or is consistently causing a distraction in the classroom setting. If a device has been taken or restricted, the parent will be immediatly notified.
Report any issues or instances of abuse directly to AMY CHIODO to be handled with the individual family/families involved.
Neurodivergent Classroom Space. New to 2024! In an effort to assist families with various classroom and social needs, CEN is launching a new space this year especially for families needing accommodations and spaces for students of different needs and learning styles. These PARENT-LED classroom spaces are equipped with STEM, hands-on, sensory and calming activities in a relaxed classroom space intended for those who need to ease into a community settings, need to step away from the crowds or just need a place to "be." LIMITED ENROLLMENT is available as we launch this new program and learning space.
We do not have SpEd teachers or specialists on campus at this time, nor are our classes designed for "learning different" students other than the general tolerance for students to take care of their own needs (go to the restrooms at will, free to walk about the classroom, given time to visit in class, etc). If your student struggles in a classroom environment, please speak with our director PRIOR to enrollment to discuss your student's needs and if our courses are a good fit for your student. Parents of students with special needs will need to attend courses with their student to help with accommodations or needs as our teachers and assistants will not be properly equipped or trained to do so.
Religious or Not Religious Campus? Choice Education Network, Inc is a CONSERVATIVE, TRADITIONAL-FAMILY-VALUES organization. All are welcome who respect and uphold this campus standard at all times while attending CEN classes, events, field trips, etc., regardless of personal beliefs or home lifestyles. CEN is not "religious" in nature, nor are we affiliated with any religious denomination. We ARE hosted by a church, and, as such, respect their wishes for use of their space.
THREE NO'S IN THE CLASSROOM: There are three subjects in which NO teacher/volunteer/staff member may introduce into our CLASSROOM settings. 1) Political Debate. This is not the place to converse in the classroom your political stances. 2) Religious Doctrine. We are not a church, bible study or Sunday school. While it is normal to bring up belief systems in the day to day conversations, especially in the "Bible Belt" of the South, it is inappropriate to allow the conversation of the classroom to become a religious doctrine conversation. 3) Sexuality/Sex Ed. Our classrooms are not the place to be discussing sexuality. It is highly inappropriate for any classroom setting to turn to this topic of conversation at any time. Teachers and assisting adults are expected to REDIRECT these topics back to the parent/home and remind students that will are to remain "on topic" in the classroom setting. Respectfully acknowledge the comment and re-direct the conversation back to the course subject.
What FAMILIES choose to discuss outside the classroom is not censored. Please keep adult conversations amongst adults and be mindful of little ears on campus.
PEOPLE FIRST ALWAYS! It is our desire to have a community dedicated to supporting one another in the difficult journey of educating our children and parenting in the 21st century. Times are hard for everyone. Every family is working through their own storm and requires a SAFE HAVEN to find refuge, support, understanding and an ear to hear. Please remember to act with kindness. |
Q: |
Where are you located? |
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As of July 2024, we are now hosted by Christ Church NWA located inside the Northwest Arkansas Mall in Fayetteville. 4201 N Shiloh Drive, Suite 98, Fayetteville AR 72703. There is NO access to the church from inside the mall. Please enter through their entrance between JCPenny and Crunch Fitness. Likewise, families may not enter the mall from the church. Please exit from the main doors and walk around to a mall entrance if desiring to shop. |
Q: |
Are there membership fees and registration fees? How are those structured? |
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Yes. Each semester families will pay $125 in registration fees:
This is per family, not per student. This base cost helps ensure facilities and insurance are covered for all events. Tuiton fees and supply fees cover the remaining facilities rentals and supplies for the courses and include fees for contracted teachers/business partners where applicable.
Q: |
Is Choice Education Network, Inc a "Christian" organization? |
A: |
Short answer, no. All are welcome who agree to uphold our code of conduct. We are hosted by a church and do expect participants and guests to respect and acknowledge our host location as a place of worship and not to be treated as a "casual community center." Choice Education Network, Inc. (CEN) is a conservative, traditional-family-values organization. We value preserving the innocence of children and adhere to more modest standands in dress, manner, and conversation and do not permit the topics of "politics," "religious doctrine," or "sexuality" to become part of the casual classroom conversations. Exceptions, of course, for classes designed/structured and advertised specifcially for world religions, world cultures, and US Government, and the like. |
Q: |
Who is the director? |
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Amy Chiodo is the founder and Executive Director for Choice Education Network, Inc. Email [email protected] |
Q: |
Is Choice Education Network, Inc. a nonprofit? |
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Yes! We received our nonprofit status in 2019. Our EIN is 84-1743218 Donations made to our organization are tax-deductible. |
Q: |
What ages does Choice Education Network, Inc serve? |
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Currently, CEN offers weekly co-op courses and meet-ups for all ages toddlers to high school ... and parents too! |
Q: |
Does Choice Education Network, Inc participate in the Arkansas LEARNS / Education Freedom Account (EFA) program? |
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Yes. At this time CEN is a vendor on the EFA marketplace. |
Q: |
How do I contact the Board of Directors if I have concerns or issues I can't take to the administrators? |
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Our Board of Directors Consists of:
Q: |
Can I participate ONLY in Community Partner Programs? Are these businesses "part of" Choice Education Network? ... What are my "co-op" responsibilities if only choosing these courses? |
A: |
Excellent questions. Community Partner Programs are negoatiated classes or services that bring small businesses and professionals to Choice Education Network's membership. While our business partners retain their entitiy at all times including branding, their policies, and retain complete control on how they run their program, they ARE considered "part of" Choice Education Network, Inc. in a limited sense. The courses they offer on Choice Education Netowork's schedule fall under CEN's code of conduct and participation agreements.
YES. Families may choose to only enroll in Community Partner Courses which will exempt participants from SOME co-op obligations, but not all. 1) Generally, these programs are eligible for drop-off. As long as students stay in their class (no ditching or wandering halls) and abide by our behavior code of conduct, this drop-off privilege remains. Students found to be skipping classes or behaving in contary to our code of conduct are still considered "Choice Education Network Members" and disciplinary action will be followed up as a joint discussion between company facilitator and Choice Education Network's Director. Our venues do not differentiate between community partners and Choice Education Network, Inc programming. We are all "Choice Education Network, Inc" on the rental agreements and terms of use for the space. 2) Our Community Partners are "PART OF" Choice Education Network, Inc.'s (CEN) offering of services. All classes, programs, events, etc offered under CEN platformd should be considered "part of" CEN. Community Partners agree to uphold all CEN policies and code of conduct, they may choose to "Add To" the policies, but may not "take away," or lessen, CEN's standards or expectations. Their students are considered part of our "membership" and may enjoy the same access to socials, yearbook, commuity events, feild trips, etc. as any other member. Please DO join the community. 3) Volunteer Requirements. As a "fair compromise" for families opting into ONLY Community Partner Programs (CPP), we ask that you first serve our business partners and their needs to fulfill volunteer requirements. Most have offered their skills, services and programming at significantly discounted rates. Choice Education absorbs some of their costs and takes on a portion of advertising to help make it possible for these programs to come to OUR campus. Often times Choice Education Network, Inc does not benefit in any way financially by hosting these community partner programs. CEN negotiates and works with business professionals to get the best price for YOUR family while still covering necessary costs on our end. IF your Community Partner Program does not require any volunteer efforts from you, yes, it is our expectation that families will support and uphold Choice Education Network, Inc. in their efforts to bring high quality, affordable programming to your family. Please find a way to give back and support the organizations that make programming possible for your family. 4) Weekly co-op cleaning rotations and weekly volunteering is EXEMPT for families choosing ONLY Community Partner Courses. Please assist your instructor in keeping your classroom space and supplies tidy. 5) Volunteer Sign Up is STILL REQUIRED to register for ANY Choice Education Network program, including Communtiy Partner Courses. See item #3. |
Q: |
What is a "Co-Op"? |
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A co-op is a "cooperative" meaning an organization that functions and opperates on the collaboration and work efforts of ALL of its members. Choice Educaiton Network has primarily co-op services at this time. It is expected that all participants are contributing in some way to the organization. |
Q: |
Is drop-off permitted? |
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As a general rule, no. Our co-op depends upon it's families to contribute each week to help ensure all our needs are met. Dropping off students places a larger work load on those that stay. At this time, CEN is run entirely by volunteers. Choice Education Network does offer some courses and programming where conditiional drop-off is permitted, provided students are honoring their code of conduct agreements.
Q: |
Are payment plans available? What can I expect to pay for classes? |
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Flexible Payment Options. All Fees are due in full by NOVEMBER 15th of the fall semester and by April 15th of the Spring semester. Choose to pay-in-full or make monthly installments towards your semester bill within your parent portal or in person with reception. All tuition and supply fees are billed in full for the semester. |